Saturday, December 13, 2008

Are we greater than our sisters?

Homo sapiens is just one of the silly creatures on this silly planet which believes it has free will and thinking capacity. Personally I am against the opinion that we have freewill. Living beings except humans are thought to be having no intelligence. If they don’t have it how can us?
· Ants live in groups. They get milk from so called cows. They have a queen.
· Bees live in colonies. They make perfect hexagonal containers to keep honey.
· Spider makes perfectly symmetrical webs.
· Panda brings logs through rivers to build their house.
Explanation is that they are not thinking but following their instincts (order from DNA).
Should we accept whatever the science books say?
If they are not thinking, are we? Our imagination has boundary. We think only in a certain particular pattern. What we do is just giving out put to the inputs from our surroundings. The ability to produce the output is obtained from the surroundings itself but in the past.
I am not saying that the animals and insects are intelligent but, we are not. The order (which seems to be without order) in which we act is just like the above shown examples from our sisters. Love, grief, thoughts, anxiety, desire, etc are all just creations of situations. We think we have control over them. We don’t. Past experiences+ present situation+ genetic situation= reaction. We are just following certain order. Without free will, without intelligence.
One may say that he can experience thinking. One question is there. Where does a thought come from? What is thought? Just reaction. So we need not proclaim the ability to think as a big matter. Human civilization had an orderly change over time. Nothing could happen outside that order. No divine force interfered, in our changes over time, even in wars. Morality, Religions, Science and all kinds of establishments were set up for the gradual and inevitable changes in society. I am saying everything happened in certain order rather than for a purpose. I frankly say I don’t know anything about everything having a purpose or not. Yet everything had an order and it still has.
What we can conclude is that we are just (not only us) following the order (rule?) of the universe without possessing a free will.


ullas-memeonly said...

Man is nothing but the Ensemble of his Acts.

Are we slaves?

Technology has overruled us. Some of our ancestors had predicted that. What they thought was that robots would take control over us but, what happened is entirely different. The present day human-kind is entirely dependant on the technology they developed. It is a type of slavery that we are having now. Slaves of whom? Machines are not able to rule us of their own but, we ourselves digged our groves. Let me prove this with an example. What will happen if world's all mobile phone networks cease working at a particular moment? World will stop moving. The new situation will create millions of neurotic inhabitants for the new planet.
Atom bombs or nuclear weapons are not needed to destroy a country now. Just change the way they live to what they did ten or twenty years back. Mobile phone is one of the greatest revolutions in human history.It changed the way we think, talk and live. Homosapiens are no longer able to live without that (new)machine until a more sophisticated and reliable one takes over ts place.
It is not a case with just cell-phones. What is going on in present day science? The great inventions like what we used to see in the first half of the previous century are no more. One of the biggest advantages of science is said to be its lack of prejudice but, today's science is nothing other than a collection of preconceptions itself. We believed blindly on what is written in old text books and are trying to develop the new science over what is already there. If science want to go beyond certain limits we have to start from the base. From new vast bases. Scientist needs a lot of courage. He has to say 'no' to whatever doesn't satisfy his questioning mind. There is nothing called partial -truth. If you are in search for the truth get ready to sacrifice yourself.
I fear it is not a problem with just science or technology. Fortunately we have some hood writers in today's world but, no Picasso, no Da Vinci, no Russel or Einstein. We are in a crisis. We are living in a prison created by our ancestors. We have nothing new. A social explosion has to be happened. Only a big revolution or war can create something new from the ashes. There may be many good today but no great. The new society doesn't support something like that. We are satisfied with what we have.We have to be restless and unsatisfied.Only necessity can bring something better.